The delightful Answer Girl invited me over to her place today to talk about writing and one of my favorite books, Margaret Atwood's, The Robber Bride. I can't even imagine how many times I've read it through--often picking random chapters, a few pages at a time. She'll have other folks there throughout the week.
This weekend, Pinckney, Tom Franklin, Beth Ann Fennelly, and I read at Burke's Books in Memphis. We had a lovely crowd, and signed many copies of Surreal South, plus our individual books.
Tonight is my last scheduled Isabella Moon tour event. I'll be reading/signing for Sigma Tau Delta in SIU-Carbondale's Student Center. It's been exactly seven weeks since I left for my first tour gig in Alaska.
Before I began the tour, I fretted. Would folks show up at the readings? Would we sell any books? Would my little family survive without me? The answers were all Yes, Yes, and Yes! (Well, Pomegranate did have that whole bitten-by-a copperhead experience, but she survived.) I met so many lovely people and learned so much--a thousand thank-yous to everyone who made Isabella Moon's debut a success. I wouldn't have missed the last seven weeks for the world!
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